Other Studies/Evaluations


    Renewing Ontario's Recreation-Nature Trails Strategy.  This study aimed to assess the positive health benefits and economic benefits of hiking and other types of nature trail use in Ontario. An on-line survey of 5,000+ trail users (hikers, snowmobilers and others) was conducted and the Tourism Regional Economic Impact Model (TREIM) was also applied to examine the positive economic impacts of trail use on GDP, jobs and government revenue. SPR's final report was complemented by the introduction of Bill 100 - the Supporting Ontario's Trails Act, 2015 (for the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport).

    Changing Climate.  This project involved a multi-method survey of Canadian meteorological practitioners to examine issues such as professional development and labour supply for the sector, and assess how these impact the quality of weather services, risks attendant to forecasts, especially for catastrophic weather events, climate change, etc. The project also examined the demand for foreign workers and the role of universities in the training of meteorologists (for EcoCanada and the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society).

    Environment Canada Client Segmentation Study.  This study required the design and implementation of a web survey of Environment Canada (EC) staff in the areas of science and service, in order to provide a picture of the major clients for Environment Canada services and their characteristics and expectations for service.  A literature and document review, in-depth telephone interviews and collection of client profiles from senior staff of EC branches/units were also conducted as part of the research (for Environment Canada).

    Review of Environment Canada Grants and Contributions Programs.  This review relied mainly on telephone and personal interview surveys to examine a number of Environment Canada's funding programs for the Ontario Region:  EcoAction; the Great Lakes Sustainability Fund; the Habitat Stewardship Program; and the Community Animation Program -- programs which had a total transfer value of almost $9.5 million annually.  The study also involved a document review and interviews with program staff and selected grant recipients (for Environment Canada).

    Survey on the Canadian Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse.  With a focus on a survey of 1,000 businesses, this project examined this web-based information clearinghouse from the point of view of its process, client satisfaction and results. Issues examined included market reach, user satisfaction with access to the web-site, satisfaction with content, technical issues in navigating the web-site, retrieving information, and results in terms of pollution abatement (for Environment Canada).

    Surveys and Statistical Studies of Algae Conditions on Ontario Recreational Lakes.  This study, part of Ontario's research program on acid rain, included surveys of 5,000 residents on 200 Ontario lakes.  Multi-variate analyses were used to predict the presence of algae and validation by observation was undertaken for a sample of 100 lakes.  Results demonstrated that predictions were highly accurate.  Final projections using geophysical data were projected to 5,000 Ontario lakes (for the Ontario Ministry of Environment).


    Evaluation of Family Violence Shelters in Indigenous Communities. This follow-up to SPR's 2009 National Evaluation of the Shelter Enhancement Program examined the need for family violence shelters in all of Canada's urban Aboriginal and First Nation communities. The need for prevention programs was also examined (for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation).

    Evaluation of Youth Internships for Aboriginal and Inuit Youth.  This evaluation examined the impacts of the program in First Nation and Inuit communities across Canada, including the far North. The evaluation was based on surveys of First Nation and Inuit employers and participating youth (for Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation).

    Review of the Ontario Native Courtworker Program.  This evaluation involved a survey of this program's operation in Aboriginal communities and the need for services. Community studies were undertaken in a number of urban areas and remote northern communities (for the Ontario Federation of Indian Friendship Centres, the Federal Department of Justice and the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General).

    Review of the Native Friendship Centre Program.
     This study involved in-depth surveys of 87 Friendship Centres across Canada and case studies of 15 urban Native Friendship Centres in all regions of Canada (for Secretary of State and the National Association of Friendship Centres).

    Evaluation of the Cultural/Educational Centres Program.
     A nation-wide evaluation of approximately 70 centres providing cultural and educational services to First Nations, this study involved surveys of cultural/educational centres and community surveys for a random sample of 20 communities across Canada (for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada).

    Evaluation of the Manitoba Adult Health Care Program.
     This evaluation involved a three-year development phase and a subsequent survey on 13 Manitoba First Nations. Personal interviews were conducted and detailed assessments were obtained for patients in four on-reserve nursing homes and a number of off-reserve nursing homes (for First Nations Confederacy, Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak, Brotherhood of Indian Nations, and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada).

    National Evaluation Overview of Native Policing.
     This overview examined four major policing programs operated by: the RCMP (all provinces other than Ontario and Quebec); Ontario Provincial Police (Special Indian Constable Program); Québec Provincial Police; and Dakota Ojibway Tribal Council (DOTC Police, Manitoba). The study examined variations in organization and administration of benefits, and implications for a national evaluation. A comprehensive report was provided (for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada).