- Review of Legal Aid Ontario's Language Interpretation & Translation Services:
This $50,000 project
examined language services (80+ languages) provided by Legal Aid Ontario, to tens of thousands of immigrants and refugees
coming to Ontario. The
review assessed quality control, costs, service levels, protection from racial or nationality discrimination and satisfaction
of clinic staff and agencies serving refugees. The research applied a bilingual on-line survey of over 300 legal aid clinic
staff and immigrant service agencies (for Legal Aid Ontario, 2012-2014).
- Bridge Training for New Canadian Professionals:
This project assessed lessons learned from Federal-
Provincial programs providing training to new Canadians in over 100 professions, to aid labour markets and national skills
development strategies. Bilingual web surveys reached several thousand stakeholders (colleges, universities, NGOs, employers,
and program participants). Three full-day learning exchange workshops were conducted with universities and other
training bodies to assess lessons learned regarding labour market integration (for the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and
Immigration, 2011-2012).
- Evaluation of the Ontario Victim/Witness Assistance Program:
This $173,000 evaluation assessed the effectiveness of court services for women who experience family violence. The evaluation included 18 case studies and an on-line survey of over 700 stakeholders, including lawyers, police, health professionals, to identify approaches for improving program effectiveness (for the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General, 2010-2011).
- Evaluation of the New Opportunities Fund:
This project examined the impact of this $1 billion program on the development of highly qualified personnel in Canadian educational institutions and industry. On-line surveys of all Canadian universities and over 2,000 faculty examined innovation and research impacts. A sub-survey of 500 graduates identified training impacts for industry (for the Canada Foundation for Innovation, 2005-2006).
- Evaluation of the Canadian Sector Council Program:
This evaluation examined 30+ Sector Councils (for all industries) to aid Canada's agenda for skills development and international competitiveness. Components included international reviews, surveys, and econometric analyses of labour market data (for Human Resources and
Social Development Canada, 2005-2006).
- Balanced Scorecard Study of the RCMP:
This $350,000 study included surveys of 20,000 members of the Canadian public, 9,000 employees of the RCMP, and surveys of international policing partners, to develop strategies to enhance morale and organizational effectiveness (for the RCMP, 2003-2004).
- Women's Participation in Trades, Technology & Operations Occupations:
This $100,000 study included Census Data modelling, a literature review and in-depth interviews conducted with employers, unions, career educators and trainers. The project identified best practices and an action plan to aid women's participation in trade-related occupations (for the Women in Trades & Technology National Network and
Human Resources and Social Development Canada, 2002-2003).
- Evaluation of the Federal Contractors Program:
This $380,000 evaluation assessed the impact of this program on employment equity for businesses and non-profit organizations with major contractual relationships with the federal government. The evaluation examined a variety of performance indicators, the business case for employment equity, and impacted on reviews of emerging legislation (for Human Resources Development Canada, 2001-2003).
- Evaluation of the Canadian Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse:
This $80,000 project examined this on-line information clearinghouse from the point of view of process, client satisfaction and results in pollution reduction. Issues examined included industry reach, user satisfaction with access to the website, clearinghouse content, and technical issues in navigating the website (for Environment Canada, 1999-2000).
- Evaluation of the Federal Labour Code, Phase II:
This $446,000 evaluation examined how Canadians balance the
demands of work and family and needs for lifelong learning. A Canada-wide survey examined these issues for 2,000 Canadian workers
and their employers, and identified ways that labour standards could aid the goal of balancing work and family life. The evaluation
provided foreground research for Canada's expansion of Parental Leave Benefits in 2000 (for Human Resources Development Canada, 1998-2000).