
International Review of Income Mixed Housing:  Data Collection Form

Thank you for agreeing to assist us with our research on income mixed housing programs/initiatives.

Please complete this form regarding income mixed housing by providing information to the best of your ability - - feel free to indicate 'DK' or 'N/A' if a question is not applicable or if you do not have the information.  Please note that all information you provide will be kept completely confidential and will only be seen by the researchers.  We greatly appreciate your assistance. 

Are you aware of any income mixed housing programs/initiatives?
No (SKIP TO Q.13)

Section A:  A Successful Income Mixed Housing Program/Initiative
                     (can include policies, regulations and/or other rules)

Please describe a program/initiative which, in your opinion, has been successful in creating income mixed housing your country (or State/local area):
Name of the program/initiative:
Brief description of the program/initiative:
Web-link for the program/initiative:
Contact information (name, email, telephone) for the person who would be able to provide further information:
Name(s) of any report(s) which have been published regarding the program/initiative:

Which of the following best describes this program/initiative? (Select one)
A planning policy or regulation to create income mixed housing
A housing program with funding to develop income mixed housing
An initiative to redevelop existing lower-income housing and create income mixed housing
A financing tool for investment in income mixed housing
Another type of program/initiative (please specify):
How would you rate the overall success of the program/initiative in creating income mixed housing?
Excellent (SKIP TO Q.6)
Good (SKIP TO Q.6)
Cannot Assess (SKIP TO Q.6)

What could be done to make the program more successful?

Are you aware of any report(s) that describe the effects or impacts of this program in creating income-mixed housing?
No (SKIP TO Q.10)

What are the title(s) of the report(s) and how can we obtain copies?

Are you aware of any report(s) that describe the positive impacts of income mixed housing for families or households?
No (SKIP TO Q.10)

What are the title(s) of the report(s) and how can we obtain copies?

Section C:  Illustration of a Successful Income-Mixed Housing Project

Our research involves case studies of projects that provide income-mixed housing.  For this study, we are defining a 'project' as a housing project where there are units available for both lower-income and moderate or higher-income households, it may also include one or more buildings.

Please identify a specific project (or building) which illustrates the success or impacts of this project:
Name of project/location:
Approximate number of buildings and units:
Approximate % of units occupied by low income households:
Name of report(s) that would help us to better understand this project and how the reports can be obtained:
Contact person who could provide more information about the project:
Description of any unique characteristics of this project:

Section D:  Other Income Mixed Programs/Initiatives

Other than the successful program/initiative named in Questions 2-9, are you aware of any other income mixed housing program/initiative in your country (or State/local area)?
No (SKIP TO Q.13)

Please provide the following information for this other income mixed housing program/initiative:
Name of program/initiative:
Brief description of the program/initiative:
Web-link for the program/initiative:
Contact information (name, email, etc.) for the person who could provide further information:
Name(s) of any published report(s) regarding the program/initiative:

Are there any other individuals (program managers or researchers) whom you think we should contact who are knowledgeable about income mixed housing initiatives?  If yes, please provide their contact information below:

Please provide any other comments regarding income mixed housing which you feel are important (for example, issues regarding the successful (or unsuccessful) implementation of income mixed housing in your area, the need for additional income mixed housing, the need for changes to existing legislation or programs for income-mixed housing, etc.):

Please provide your contact information below (note:  this information will not be shared with any outside parties and will only be used by the researchers in the event that they need to contact you regarding information provided in this form and to notify you once the final report has been prepared):
Thank you!
Please click SUBMIT to record your responses.