Study to Assess the Capacity of Community Sport and Recreation Organizations in the Not-for-Profit Sector in Ontario
A confidential survey conducted by SPR Associates
for the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport

Survey of Ontario Sports/Recreation Organizations

This government of Ontario survey intends to identify ways for the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport to better aid not-for-profit sport and recreation organizations in the province.

Instructions:  Please complete the survey by selecting the appropriate response or typing in your response for each question.  To navigate between questions/pages, click the BACK or NEXT buttons located at the bottom of the screen.  If a response contains a 'skip' instruction, please use TAB to advance to the next applicable question.  Questions which are open-ended allow for a virtually unlimited response, in terms of number of words. (To ensure privacy, please do not identify individuals or organizations by name in your responses to open-ended questions.)  The survey needs to be completed in one sitting (i.e., it is not possible to answer half of the questions, leave the web page, and return later to complete the rest of the survey).  When you have completed the survey, please remember to click SUBMIT to record your responses.

If there are any questions which you do not feel comfortable answering or are not applicable to your organization, or if you cannot provide an assessment, please leave these questions blank.  If you wish, you can indicate the reason why in Section 11: Comments, at the end of the survey.

Please note:  After entering your 6-character password below, you must click the NEXT button located at the bottom of the screen to advance to the main survey questions.


To ensure that only those invited to participate in the survey respond, please enter the 6-character password provided in the e-mail you received inviting you to complete the survey: